Cell-by-cell evaluation
Determines condition of lead-acid batteries up to 2000 Ah
On-line test with Pass/Fail/Warning/Gauge calculations
Measures impedance, resistance of inter-cell connections, cell voltage
Windows® CE operating system with 16 MB internal memory
Measures ripple and floating currents
Bright backlit LCD display
Determines condition of lead-acid batteries up to 2000 Ah
On-line test with Pass/Fail/Warning/Gauge calculations
Measures impedance, resistance of inter-cell connections, cell voltage
Windows® CE operating system with 16 MB internal memory
Measures ripple and floating currents
Bright backlit LCD display
It is a class-leading instrument that allows the user to perform on-site analysis. The BITE3 is battery powered with powerful built-in data analysis tools. The data display includes the normal numerical array but adds two graphical displays to help analyze weak cells.